Made by Mint Chong

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what's your comment of this ? too many smoke there and looks Horrible XD
I should type ' Dangerous ' in red color without star :(
add some blood ~WAO..COOL! haha

Drawing Boxes

Lecturer(mr.Charles) teach us 2D Design he was sick~ so 1 sumthing can go back already :D
Fundamental Drawing...lecturer ask we to draw the boxes infront of u...first time we drawing lecturer dint check...but second time lecturer said my draw is Good ! not bad.. wow..I'm felt happy so much..!!! but the third time..haha...changed the seat...woah~so hard to draw..some boxes was wrong..lecturer tell me what to do and changed it easy to draw and correct (: yay..i got it !

today is my first time to drive alone to go Pj~ still ok..I'm safe haha~

So many stuff want to buy... Buy those stuff used a lot of money ..
hey~only semester 1...

I have met all lecturers :D
ya good...all of them is nice... (2D design/fundamental drawing/creative thinking/technical english)~the Guard at taylor's college also nice one.. xD

I got my 'TOUCH AND GO' today..
Maybe~tomorrow I need to drive alone to go college D:
I'm just worry about parking....aissk! damn noob ~


the first week at college.. already have 2 homeworks need to prepare...
lols.. next monday need to present it...about the design ~
thinking thinking..