拥抱 睡觉 不XX


爱不是性 不是欲 不是占有

哪个男的是 拥抱 睡觉 不XX 的 。。。现在 2010 世界变了,不可能有这样好的男生啦~ 都绝种了...你期待 ? 不必啦...人生没那么多十年给你等呢....世界上就是没有爱情~ 我们所谓的爱情就是因为寂寞才找人来爱罢了 ...

Eat Trip !

4types of fruit ... i like strawberry xD

^^ so sweet ... choc affair..

xP yum yum !

eat SAKAE SUSHI with cory~ at pavillion xD

that day 24 July 2010 is both of us 'eat trip' :P

help my brother design a logo...^^ simple but waste my 3hours to do this...because the fonts is draw by myself...

tomorrow go out with cory~ hehe..hmmm !! 2am already....

Hotel Giant 2

Im downloading this hotel giant 2 game right now...
wakaka~ 70% already hehehe!!! damn boring ~ just find some game to play only...
movie also watch finish already ~ dont know what to do...
practice piano as well..4th august 2010 coming soon ~ hehehe..after this...i can learn other song already~ so nice.. because last year until now just care about exam song...


just now eat this kind of snack --- 黄金薯塔 ~ yum yum !!
not my favorite snack but it's okay hehehe ~

sigh..my holiday..

holiday....make me bored enough!!
i wanna go out but lazy drive..i hope go out with family..but my family busy or lazy...dont wan to accompany me...sigh~~~
nothing to do..waste my time !! i hate my time gone so fast.....already 21 July 2010 =="
bacome mad soon...i wanna go out alone already =.= !!!

My Beauty BFF ^^

My 3 best friends ^^ Joyce , Cory , Soo

(Me) Mint and Joyce ^^

(Me) Mint and Cory ^^

But .... dont have Mint and Soo ...so sad~T.T but never mind~~~
next time i must catch her and take picture with me.. xD

I was Confusing... 1.56am , 21st july

sometime, i dont know where is my heart..
sometime, i dont know who is my lover..
sometime, i dont know what is love...

did i understand myself and what im thinking about..
did i love u..did i care u..did i understand u..

i love myself more than u..or i love u more than myself...
i love my family...or just my parents...

i was confusing about love..
is it i really dont know what is love or i know...
why sometime i dont have this feeling..
is it u make me bored in love ?!

12 something reached times square yesterday...4 of us bought mcdonald and go to 10th floor food court having our lunch~ because mcdonald was full..
haha...joyce too noisy ...when she siting in my car...chat non stop ! >.< after that we watch twilight saga ~ hmm! actually damn boring ...but romantic...

okay...then we go sushi king having dinner although just 4something....total rm100+ xD !!
maybe i already habit eat desert after meal...haiz...eat ice cream waste rm13 ... xD because that is kindori ice cream... hehehehe.. my favorite (top picture)

after that....shawn sms us date us to watch movie at nite ...ts again so we no need to go back hahaha....until 12am ~ wow !!! nice day...

很开心 !

明天 ,17 JULY 2010 跟朋友出去....有点兴奋的感觉 ~
是不是太久没出去的关系 ? 还是跟他们三个出比较难得 ??
哈哈哈 耶! 很开心 ~
希望我们都安全回到家 !因为我开车载他们 >.<

Good Bye semester 1 ^^

Hmm... hello holiday~ finally finish semester 1 ...
well ~ start to learn photoshop in internet (: very interesting about it...
but now... more interesting is ~ ~ ~ design my phone !! :P

wohoo ! saturday , 17th July can meet up 3 of my best friend ^^
we'll watch twilight saga together again..hehe Vampire edward <3

No ! u all are wrong... I'm not a quiet girl , and I'm not a shy girl...
I just dont want to talking with u guys.. do u understand...lecturers !
I dont like to make friend with people that's selfish , lazy and despise .
I really dont know how to solve this problem!
They'll make me moody ..