Photoshop character done :D 16 sept 2010

siham(cockles) how your name come from????

yesterday we talk funny topic about this cockles ( siham) ~

sketched by Cory

sketched by Cory , was a 14+ years old girl (form 2),

I just scan her sketches to my computer and draw outline only :D

Dont hurt Anyone !

it only take a few seconds to hurt people you love ...
and it can take years to heal....

I cant sleep tonight XD too light !!

See ! This pillow.....who dare to hug or sleep ? :P

Piranha !!

yeah ~ finally ...
watch it tomorrow- 4 sept 2010 <3

game also will make me xxxxx!!!

maplestory - singapore

kill this boss and can get a rare equip ..

<> a rare equip ..

a guy (aran lvl 22) cant kill the boss ..and will miss...
but he still come down kill with me zzz
he smart ..he noe the boss wil die soon faster come down kill ..
because he wan to get the shoes ..
he got it just now !! so sam tong lo !!! after lvl 30 cant get it already..
cant sell cant buy..
because is untrade equipment ..
cant control ar ! that is mine !!!

illustrator ... only use pen tool :P

I done My Homework :)

2 Take Photo at pavillion :D 28august 2010

:D yeah !!!

why we take cake and take photo ? hahaha~ :P secret !

Take Photo at pavillion :D 28august 2010

hello ? 3 of us waiting for her .. she so busy in phone :P

Kah mei and Kah yan

Yee mun and Kah mei

kah mei and I :D

4 of us ~~
the waiter duno take camera 1... blur photo ! D:

Kah Mei's birthday day !

celebrate with kah mei at pavillion :)

she love fruit cake :D that's why we bought this for her~
this cake really very nice and delicious !!
did you see any thing at top of cake?? hahaha ~ let's see clearly !!

dang dang dang dang !!! hahaha~ :P what ?! frog & xxl ????
muahaha~only 4 of us know what meaning xP

illustrator & narrative 's artwork

tablet pen doesn't work.. use mouse to colour it ..make it suck more @@

20 drawing :( some picture so suck hahaha! because i duno want to draw what aready..